You’ll find more than just netting for a golf range at Golf Range Netting. A great example of this is landfill netting. This is an important tool to keep debris from flying away at landfills. Here, we will tell you everything you need about landfill netting, from installation to utility.

How Do They Work?

Landfill netting, sometimes called debris netting, is a system of vertical nets used to keep debris exactly where it should be: in the landfill. Simply put, landfill netting works by keeping debris in the landfill by catching it as the wind picks it up. This netting is great for landfills but also works wonders at other facilities. You will likely see this netting at waste management facilities, waste transfer facilities, or recycling stations.

What’s The Difference Between Golf Netting and Landfill Netting?

You might think that golf netting and a landfill litter fence (another common name for landfill netting) would be the same, but there are some differences as these two types of nets do similar jobs but with different objects.

For Golf Range Netting:

  • Designed to keep golf balls in the driving range
  • The impact from golf balls hitting the net is minimal
  • The wind is the main concern and requires strong posts to hold up the netting

For Landfill Netting:

  • Needs to be stronger to hold more weight than golf range netting
  • Trash picked up by wind can accumulate quickly, especially in windy areas
  • Must withstand heavier loads than golf range netting
  • Debris netting installation involves evaluating the type of debris, area size and shape, and necessary netting strength and support to handle potential debris impacts.

What Is There to Consider When Installing Landfill Netting?

Now that you know that landfill netting requires strength, what considerations do you need to make when installing landfill netting?

First, you will want to consider the soil conditions where the landfill netting will go. The harder the ground, the more solid the foundation will be. If the soil is loose, you might have to dig extra deep to anchor the poles to hold the netting up.

You also want to consider how close you are to local water sources. The closer you are to a water source, the higher you will want the netting to be so that no debris gets out and contaminates the water.

Another thing to think about is the overall utility of the landfill itself. How long is the lifespan of the landfill? You will want a netting system built to last for landfills with a long life span. How do workers operate in and around the landfill? You want to ensure that none of your netting gets in the way of daily operations.

Lastly, you will want to consider the prevailing wind direction at the landfill. This is important to consistently keep debris from flying away while strategically setting up your network so that you aren’t wasting money on a system that is too big for your needs.

The Importance of Landfill Netting

More and more communities are popping up daily, some close to landfills. Landfill netting is crucial because it keeps contaminated debris from our water systems and communities. Of course, you don’t want to go at this project alone. Working with trained experts is crucial so you know exactly how high you need the netting and how much you will need to use.

If you are interested in landfill netting, please contact the experts at Golf Range Netting today!

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